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Coronaviruses are a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, these viruses cause tract infections that can . . .



Most common symptoms: fever dry cough tiredness Less common symptoms: aches and pains sore throat diarrhoea conjunctivitis headache loss of taste or smell a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes Serious symptoms: difficulty breathing or shortness of breath chest pain or pressure loss of speech or movement Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility. People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home. On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.

About Coronaviruses

Coronaviruses are a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, these viruses cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses include some cases of the common cold (which is also caused by other viruses, predominantly rhinoviruses), while more lethal varieties can cause SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. Symptoms in other species vary: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory tract disease, while in cows and pigs they cause diarrhea. There are as yet no vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.


If you develop symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and you've been exposed to the virus, contact your doctor. Tell him or her if you've traveled to any areas with ongoing community spread of COVID-19 according to CDC and WHO. Also let your doctor know if you've had close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Factors used to decide whether to test you for COVID-19 may differ depending on where you live. Depending on your location, you may need to be screened by your clinic to determine if testing is appropriate and available. In the U.S., your doctor will determine whether to conduct tests for COVID-19 based on your signs and symptoms, as well as whether you have had close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 or traveled to or lived in any areas with ongoing community spread of COVID-19 in the past 14 days. Your doctor may also consider testing if you're at higher risk of serious illness. To test for COVID-19, a health care provider uses a long swab to take a sample from the nose or throat. The samples are then sent to a lab for testing. If you're coughing up saliva (sputum), that may be sent for testing. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized at-home tests for COVID-19. These are available only with a doctor's prescription.